7 Days
1 Day
2-4 Hours
General Anaesthesia
1-2 Weeks
Thigh lift surgery is an effective aesthetic procedure preferred to solve sagging and loosening problems in the skin. Sagging in the thigh area, especially due to weight loss, aging or genetic factors, can negatively affect the physical appearance of people.
What is Thigh Lift Surgery?
Thigh lift surgery is the removal of excess skin and fat tissue in the thigh area. This procedure is performed to correct sagging skin and tighten the skin in the thigh area. The surgery is generally preferred by people who want to correct deformations that occur in the body after weight loss, aging or childbirth. Thigh lift procedure aims to increase the self-confidence of the person as well as aesthetic appearance.
What are the Benefits of Thigh Lift Surgery?
Thigh lift surgery offers many benefits. Among these benefits:
- Skin Tightening: Sagging and loose skin is tightened.
- Aesthetic Appearance: Getting rid of excess skin and fat in the thigh area provides a smoother body contours.
- Increased Self-Confidence: Removing unwanted sagging helps people feel better about themselves.
- Physical Comfort: Physical discomfort caused by sagging skin decreases after the procedure.
Who Can Thigh Lift Surgery Be Performed?
Thigh lift surgery is suitable for people who experience excessive sagging in their bodies, have lost skin elasticity and are aesthetically dissatisfied. In addition, individuals who have sagging in the body after weight loss can achieve a more aesthetic appearance with the thigh lift procedure. Ideal candidates for surgery:
- People with sagging skin after weight loss,
- Individuals who have lost skin elasticity due to ageing,
- Women with postpartum deformation in the abdomen and thigh area,
- Healthy individuals, close to the ideal weight, but who want tightening in the thigh area.
How is Thigh Lift Surgery Performed?
Thigh lift surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes small incisions in the inner thigh, groin area or lower thigh in hidden places. Through these incisions, excess skin and fat are removed and the skin is tightened. The duration of the surgery can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and usually takes between 2-4 hours. After the procedure, patients are kept under observation in the hospital for a while and the recovery process begins.
Recovery Process After Thigh Lift Surgery
The recovery process after thigh lift surgery varies from person to person. Generally, patients may feel mild pain for a few days after the procedure. Swelling and bruising are also common side effects. The healing process begins within 1-2 weeks and the patient can return to normal daily activities after 4-6 weeks. Full recovery may take several months.
Risks and Side Effects of Thigh Lift Surgery
As with any surgical procedure, thigh lift surgery carries some risks. These include infection, bleeding, scarring and allergic reactions to anaesthesia. In addition, complications that may occur during the healing process are also among the risks. However, these risks can be minimised in surgeries performed by an experienced surgeon.
What Should Be Considered After Thigh Lift Surgery?
After the operation, there are several important points that patients should pay attention to. These are
- Wound Care: It is necessary to keep the surgical scar area clean and regularly care with creams recommended by the doctor.
- Restriction of Movement: Heavy exercise and excessive movement should be avoided for the first few weeks.
- Smoking Smoking can negatively affect the healing process, so smoking should be avoided.
Thigh Lift Surgery Prices
Thigh lift surgery prices may vary depending on the surgeon's experience, the location of the hospital and the extent of the surgery. Although prices in Turkey are generally more affordable, prices determined according to individual needs may vary. To get the most accurate price, it is important to contact a plastic surgeon directly.
Scars and Aesthetic Results After Thigh Lift Surgery
The scars that will occur after thigh lift surgery vary depending on the technique applied by the surgeon and the incision sites. A good surgeon chooses appropriate incision sites to minimise scars. Over time, these scars fade and become less prominent. However, it is not possible for the scars to disappear completely.