Average Length of Stay

7 Days

Duration of Hospitalisation

1 Day

Operation Duration

2-4 Hours

Anaesthesia Type

General Anaesthesia

Recovery Time

1-2 Weeks

Under-eye light filling offers an effective solution that has become popular in the aesthetic world in recent years. It plays a major role in eliminating under-eye bruises and depressions caused by fatigue, insomnia, genetic factors or aging. This procedure, which is made with fillers such as hyaluronic acid, moisturises and brightens the skin while compensating for the loss of volume in the under-eye area.

What is Under Eye Light Filling?

Under-eye light filling is an aesthetic intervention performed to remove dark circles, bruises and tired appearance under the eyes. This procedure is performed by injecting fillers such as hyaluronic acid under the eyes. While moisturising the skin, under-eye light filling also compensates for volume loss, thus achieving a fresher and younger appearance.

Who Can Under Eye Light Filling Be Applied?

Under-eye light filling is suitable for anyone who has bruises, fine lines or volume loss in the under-eye area. It can also be applied to people who have under-eye circles due to genetic predisposition. However, this procedure gives the most suitable results for individuals who do not pose any obstacle to health and have aesthetic concerns.

How is Under Eye Light Filling Done?

Under-eye light filling procedure should be performed by a specialist physician. Before the procedure, the area is numbed with anaesthetic cream. Then, the filler containing hyaluronic acid is injected into the under-eye area with fine needles. This procedure usually takes 20-30 minutes. It does not leave any cuts or scars afterwards, but there may be slight bruising or swelling.

What are the Benefits of Under Eye Light Filling?

Under-eye light filling provides many benefits. Firstly, it brightens the dark circles under the eyes and removes the tired appearance. In addition, it provides the skin's moisture balance, thus achieving a more vibrant and smoother appearance. Depressions caused by volume loss are also filled, thus revealing a younger and more vigorous facial line.

How Long Does Under Eye Light Filler Application Take?

Under-eye light filling application usually takes between 20 and 30 minutes. This fast procedure does not prevent returning to daily life and you can continue your normal life on the same day. The effect can be seen immediately, but the full results become clear within a few days.

Recovery Process After Under Eye Light Filling

The healing process after under-eye light filling is quite short. Most people do not feel any pain or swelling after the procedure. A slight bruising or swelling may occur, but this condition passes within a few days. After the procedure, applying a cold compress to the area can accelerate the healing process.

Under Eye Light Filling Prices 

Under-eye light filling prices may vary depending on the clinic where the application will be performed, the filler used and the level of expertise. However, prices may vary according to the quality of the procedure and the properties of the materials used.

Is It Possible to Remove Your Tired Look with Under Eye Light Filling?

Yes, under-eye light filling offers a highly effective solution, especially for tired appearance and dark circles. Bruises and depressions in the under-eye area can be recovered quickly with light filling. As a result, you can get a more vigorous and fresh look.

How to Treat Swelling and Dark Circles with Under Eye Light Filling?

Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are usually caused by lack of sleep, stress or genetic factors. Under-eye light filling is an effective method in the treatment of these problems. The filler reduces swelling and dark circles in the area by illuminating the veins under the eyes and discolouration under the skin.

Risks and Side Effects of Under Eye Light Filling Application

Although under-eye light filling is generally a safe procedure, it may involve some risks and side effects like any aesthetic application. Rarely, swelling, bruising or infection may develop. Therefore, it is of great importance to be performed by a specialised physician. Paying attention to the care instructions given after the procedure minimises possible side effects.

Things to Consider After Under Eye Light Filling

There are a few important points to be considered after the procedure. Avoid touching the under-eye area for the first 24 hours. In addition, excessively hot water or steam applications should be avoided and care should be taken not to be exposed to direct sunlight. These will help swelling and bruising to disappear faster.

How is Under Eye Light Filling Applied in Different Age Groups?

Under-eye light filling is generally suitable for individuals aged 25 and over. However, as the age progresses, filling application to the area under the eyes may need more. Aesthetic concerns usually come to the fore at a young age, and signs of aging come to the fore with age. Therefore, the procedure can be performed according to different expectations in each age group.