
Breast reduction surgery is a frequently preferred surgical procedure for women who experience physical or psychological discomfort due to large breasts. This surgery is performed both to provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance and to improve body health. Breast reduction surgery increases self-confidence and provides comfort by balancing body contours.

What is Breast Reduction and Who is it Suitable for?

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce excessively large breasts. This procedure can be performed for both aesthetic and health reasons. Large breasts can lead to back and neck pain, posture disorders, skin irritations and breathing difficulties. In addition, some women may experience social anxieties because of their large breasts.

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

Breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia and the duration can vary between 2-4 hours. During the operation, excess breast tissue and fat are removed by the surgeon. Starting from a suitable incision site, the surgeon holds the nipple in place and removes excess tissue around it. Incision scars usually remain in and around the lower part of the breast, but aesthetically, these scars begin to fade over time.

What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction not only provides an aesthetic change, but also offers many health benefits. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Physical Comfort: Back, neck and shoulder pains caused by weight are reduced.
  • Increased Self-confidence: Having a more proportionate body can increase self-confidence.
  • Better Posture: Weightless breasts provide a more correct posture.
  • Easier Exercise: You can move more easily in physical activities.

How Long Does Breast Reduction Surgery Take?

Breast reduction surgery usually takes 2-4 hours. However, since each patient's condition is different, the duration of surgery may vary depending on some factors. A detailed evaluation with your doctor before surgery will help you get more accurate information about the duration of surgery.

What is the Recovery Process After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Although the postoperative recovery process varies from person to person, you can usually return to daily life within 1-2 weeks. There may be mild pain in the first few days, but these pains can be controlled with medication prescribed by the doctor. After the operation:

  • Heavy exercise should be avoided for one week.
  • There may be swelling and bruising in the breast area, but it will disappear over time.
  • The breast shape is shaped more clearly with the healing process.
  • Can I Breastfeed After Breast Reduction Surgery?
  • The ability to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery depends on the technique and how much tissue was removed. Generally, it is aimed to preserve the nipple and milk ducts, but in some cases, breastfeeding may be difficult. It is important to consult your doctor about this before surgery to determine your breastfeeding plans.

What are the Prices of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Prices for breast reduction surgery may vary depending on the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon's experience and the patient's needs. However, these prices may increase or decrease depending on the patient's condition. A preliminary consultation is necessary for exact price information.

Which conditions are required for breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical operation generally preferred for women seeking solutions to aesthetic and health problems. Certain health conditions and criteria are required for breast reduction surgery. In order to have this surgery, first of all, the size of your breasts should be disproportionate to your body structure and you should have health problems such as back, shoulder or neck pain. In addition, problems such as skin irritation and clothing difficulties due to excessively large breasts are also reasons to apply for surgery.

To be eligible for breast reduction surgery, you are generally expected to be over 18 years of age and in good general health. People with prominent health problems (e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart disease) should discuss this with their doctor in detail. In addition, if you were smoking before the operation, it is recommended that you stop smoking, as smoking can negatively affect the healing process.

Do Scars Remain After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Whether there will be scars after breast reduction surgery may vary depending on the surgical techniques used and your body type. As with any surgical procedure, it is possible to have scars after breast reduction surgery. However, today, thanks to advanced surgical methods, scars can be made less prominent.

Breast reduction surgery usually leaves three types of scars: periareolar (around the nipple), vertical scar and inverted T-shaped scar. These scars may fade and become less prominent over time. Aesthetic surgeons use various techniques to ensure that the scars remain the least prominent and try to minimise the appearance of the scars during the healing process.

What Should Be Considered Before Breast Reduction Surgery?

There are some important points to be considered before breast reduction surgery. One of the most important factors before surgery is to have a detailed discussion with your surgeon. It is important to get detailed information about why the surgery is necessary, your expectations, the techniques the surgeon will use and possible complications.

You must be in good general health before the operation. Medical tests should be performed before the operation and your doctor should be informed about your current medication. If you smoke, you should quit smoking at least one week in advance, because smoking can negatively affect the healing process. It is also important that you are psychologically ready before the operation. Breast reduction surgery can affect you not only physically but also emotionally. Therefore, it may be useful to get psychological support from a specialist.

Can I Exercise After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Exercising after breast reduction surgery may take time depending on the healing process. In the first weeks, exercise should be avoided. It is important to allow time for rest and for your body to heal after surgery. Generally, it is recommended to avoid heavy exercise for the first 4-6 weeks. During this period, low-impact activities such as light walks can be done.

Although the exact recovery time varies from person to person, it is important to pay attention to your surgeon's recommendations. It may be necessary to wait at least 6 weeks for heavy lifting, running and other high-impact sports. When you start exercising with your doctor's permission, it is important to be careful and avoid overstraining in order not to disrupt the healing process in the breast area.

How to Breastfeed After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery is usually possible, but each case is different. Changes to the mammary glands and milk ducts during surgery can have an effect on breastfeeding. Therefore, if you are concerned about breastfeeding before breast reduction surgery, you should talk openly with your doctor about this.

The incisions and techniques used during breast reduction may not affect your ability to breastfeed. However, some women may experience breastfeeding difficulties after surgery. Performing the surgery with less invasive techniques and protecting the milk ducts can make the breastfeeding process healthier. If you plan to breastfeed in the future, you can share this situation with your surgeon and let him/her choose the most appropriate techniques.