About Treatment

Vaginoplasty in Turkey

Aging and childbirth cause changes in the genital areas as well as in the whole body of women. The amount of fat decreases, sagging and color changes occur in the tissues. It is possible to restore the genital area to its former appearance with various applications. Some of these methods are labiaplasty, vaginoplasty and fat injection.

Vaginoplasy (Vagina tightening)
This method is the solution of vaginal loosening, a condition that can negatively affect sexual life from time to time. Its purpose is to create a tighter and narrower vagina. As a result of the treatment of the muscles, they are tightened, and the excesses are destroyed by the treatment of the tissue called the mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the vagina.

Average Length of Stay:

7 Days


1 Day

Duration of Operation:

2 – 4 Hour

Anesthesia Type:

General Anesthesia

Healing Process:

1-2 weeks

What does genital area aesthetics mean?

The question of what is genital area aesthetics is a frequently asked question. The process of making the genital area deformed due to various reasons (pregnancy, difficult birth, aging) by surgical methods is defined as genital area aesthetics.

How is genital area aesthetics done?

Genital area aesthetics includes many surgical methods and fat injection combinations.

How much is genital area aesthetics?

The price of genital area aesthetics varies according to the type and number of surgery to be performed. There are many types of genital area aesthetics.

How can a genital area esthetic be done?

Genital area aesthetics; It is classified as pre-planning, implementation process and post-procedure recovery process.