Average Length of Stay

7 Days

Duration of Hospitalisation

1 Day

Operation Duration

2-4 Hours

Anaesthesia Type

General Anaesthesia

Recovery Time

1-2 Weeks

Gastric balloon offers an effective solution for those who want to accelerate the weight loss process and step into a healthier lifestyle. It is an ideal method especially for individuals who do not want surgical intervention but have difficulty in losing weight. The balloon, which is placed endoscopically in the stomach, provides a faster feeling of saturation by narrowing the stomach volume, thus helping you feel full with less food. Gastric balloon application is not only a weight loss method, but also the first step in adopting a healthy lifestyle.

What is Stomach Balloon and How Does It Work?

Gastric balloon is a slimming method applied for individuals with overweight problems to lose weight more easily. The balloon placed in the stomach with an endoscopic procedure narrows the stomach volume and creates a feeling of satiety with less food. This significantly reduces the amount of food eaten and supports weight loss. Gastric ballooning is an ideal alternative for those who generally do not want to resort to surgical intervention.

Who is Stomach Balloon Suitable for?

The gastric balloon is suitable for people who struggle with obesity and are not suitable for surgical intervention. Generally, it is preferred for people with a body mass index (BMI) between 30-40. In addition, people who want to lose weight in a healthy way but cannot succeed with diet and exercise may also prefer gastric balloon application. However, it is important to have a detailed discussion with your doctor to determine whether gastric ballooning is appropriate.

How Long Does Gastric Balloon Application Take?

Gastric balloon application usually takes between 20-30 minutes. The procedure is performed endoscopically under local anaesthesia or sedation. During this procedure, the balloon is inserted into the stomach and then inflated with fluid. After the procedure, patients are kept under observation for a few hours and most people can be discharged the same day.

How does weight loss occur with gastric balloon?

The gastric balloon provides faster and more effective weight loss by restricting the amount of food people eat. The balloon placed in the stomach causes meals to feel full faster, which causes people to take fewer calories. In addition, the gastric balloon can help people adopt healthy eating habits by reducing the feeling of hunger. Weight loss is usually noticeable in the first few months.

Is Gastric Balloon Application Painful?

Gastric ballooning is usually not painful. It is performed under local anaesthesia or sedation, which makes the procedure painless. However, some patients may experience nausea, bloating or mild discomfort after the procedure. These symptoms usually disappear in a short time. It is important to contact your doctor in case of any pain or discomfort.

How Much Weight Can I Lose With Gastric Balloon?

Weight loss with gastric balloon application varies from person to person. However, on average, a weight loss of 15-25 kilograms can be achieved within a year. Weight loss can increase even more depending on the diet and exercise programmes that people follow. The gastric balloon allows permanent weight loss when supported by a healthy lifestyle.

How Should Nutrition Be After Gastric Balloon?

Nutrition after gastric balloon is very important. In the first days, eating liquid foods accelerates the healing process without straining the stomach. Then, slowly pureed foods and then solid foods can be consumed. In the process of weight loss with gastric balloon, it is important to eat regular and healthy meals in small portions. Also, avoiding too fatty and sugary foods can accelerate weight loss.

Which Side Effects May Occur After Gastric Balloon Application?

Some side effects may occur after gastric balloon application. The most common side effects include nausea, bloating and indigestion. These side effects usually resolve within a few days. In addition, some people may experience mild abdominal pain during the placement of the gastric balloon. However, these effects are temporary and usually resolve with treatment.

What is the Price of Gastric Balloon Application?

Gastric balloon prices may vary depending on the clinic and region where the application is performed. The price may vary according to the type of balloon used, the experience of the doctor and the services offered in the clinic. For detailed information, it is recommended to talk to your doctor about the price.

How long is the gastric balloon placed?

The gastric balloon usually stays in the stomach for 6 to 12 months. This period can be determined according to the weight loss goals of the person. When the gastric balloon expires, the balloon is removed endoscopically. After the removal of the balloon, it is important for people to continue a healthy lifestyle, because after the removal of the balloon, it is necessary not to return to old eating habits.

Can Permanent Weight Loss Be Achieved With Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon provides a strong support to achieve permanent weight loss. However, for permanent weight loss, only the gastric balloon is not enough. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are the keys to long-term weight loss. Gastric balloon can help people start this process and transition to a healthier lifestyle.

Who Cannot Have Gastric Balloon Application?

Gastric balloon is not applied to people with certain health problems. In particular, gastric balloon is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers, gastritis, stomach hernia or serious heart diseases. In addition, gastric ballooning may not be appropriate in special cases such as pregnancy or breastfeeding. Before a gastric balloon is performed, a thorough evaluation by a doctor is important.

Is It Necessary to Exercise After Gastric Balloon Treatment?

Exercising after gastric balloon treatment can accelerate weight loss and improve overall health. In the first few weeks, the doctor's approval should be obtained before exercising. However, in general, light walks and low-impact exercises can help the recovery process after gastric balloon. Regular exercise provides healthy weight management in the long term.

What is the Relationship Between Gastric Balloon and Weight Loss and Diet?

Gastric balloon gives more effective results when supported with diet. While the balloon helps people feel full faster, weight loss occurs faster with a healthy diet programme. Therefore, after gastric balloon treatment, sticking to the diet plans recommended by the doctor increases the chance of success.

Which Tests are Required for Gastric Balloon Application?

Before the gastric balloon procedure, a series of tests are usually performed. These include blood tests, gastric endoscopy and cardiological evaluations. These tests are necessary to determine whether the person is suitable for a gastric balloon. In addition, a psychological evaluation may be performed for some patients.