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Under Eye Filler in Turkey

The tissues that keep our skin alive begin to deteriorate over time, leaving their place to facial wrinkles in areas where muscle movements such as crow’s feet occur. This may be due to genetics, but it is also a sign of aging.

Injectable soft tissue fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm or Radiesse can help fill in these lines and wrinkles and give you a smoother, more youthful appearance. They can also add fullness to the lips and cheeks. Injectable fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane can be used alone, in conjunction with a laser resurfacing procedure or with procedures such as a facelift.

Injectable fillers can help fill in deep facial wrinkles, wrinkles and furrows, sunken cheeks, dark circles under the eyes, skin congestion and some scars. Facial fillers are also used to add a fuller, more sensual appearance to the lips. Depending on the patient, injectable fillers such as Restylane may be used to improve the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Facial fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm can help you delay surgical procedures with long-lasting natural results.

Average Length of Stay:

0 Days


0 Day

Duration of Operation:

15 – 30 Minute

Anesthesia Type:

Local Anesthesia

Healing Process:

1 Week

What is Under Eye Light Filler?

Under-eye light filler is a cosmetic procedure used to reduce dark circles and brighten the skin in the under-eye area. This filler is specially formulated to support and rejuvenate the under-eye skin. Using a lightweight filler, the depressions in the under-eye area are filled and the skin takes on a more luminous, fresh and youthful appearance. Under-eye light filler can be customized according to the individual’s needs and skin type in terms of application time and effects. This procedure is usually performed by cosmetic dermatologists or aesthetic specialists and is a minimally invasive procedure. Under-eye light filling can be an effective and reliable option for those who want to achieve a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

What Does Under Eye Light Filler Do?

Under-eye light filler is a cosmetic procedure that is usually used to reduce dark circles in the under-eye area, making the under-eye skin look brighter and younger. This filler fills depressions in the under-eye area, making the skin look smoother and more vibrant. It can also reduce fine lines and wrinkles in the under-eye area, improve skin elasticity and help achieve a more youthful appearance. Under-eye light fillers can be customized according to the individual’s needs and skin type and are usually performed by cosmetic dermatologists or aesthetic specialists. This procedure can be an effective option for those who want the under-eye area to gain a more youthful, vigorous and vibrant appearance.

How is Under Eye Light Filler Applied?

Under-eye light filling is usually performed by a cosmetic dermatologist or aesthetic specialist. The procedure is usually performed in an office setting and a comfortable experience is ensured by using local anesthesia or topical anesthetic creams. Before the application, the area is cleaned and disinfected. Then, using a fine needle or cannula, the filler is carefully injected under the skin under the eyes. The injections are made towards the targeted areas in the under-eye area and distributed in a way that makes the skin look smoother and younger. The procedure usually takes a few minutes to half an hour and normal daily activities can be resumed immediately afterwards. The effects of under-eye light filler application are usually immediately noticeable and maximum results are achieved within a few days. After the application, the person is given appropriate care instructions and follow-up checks are performed after a few weeks if necessary.

What are the Side Effects of Under Eye Light Filling?

Although under-eye light filling is generally a safe procedure, some side effects may occur. The most common side effects may include mild redness, swelling or tenderness at the injection site. These side effects usually resolve on their own within a few days. In rare cases, there may be bruising or minor swelling at the injection site, but these usually disappear in a short time.

Who Should Under Eye Light Filler Not Be Applied?

While under-eye light filler is generally a safe option for many people, it should not be performed in some cases. This procedure is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with an active infection, or those with a known allergy to the filler. Also, people who have had skin problems in the past, such as skin infections or allergic reactions, may not be suitable candidates for under-eye light fillers. Before the procedure, the specialist should be fully informed about your health history and current condition. The application should be performed after careful consideration of the person’s individual health status and needs.

What Should Be Considered After Under Eye Filling?

There are some important points to be considered after under-eye filler application. After the procedure, mild swelling, redness or tenderness at the injection site is normal, but these symptoms subside within a few days. Heavy exercise and extremely hot or cold environments should be avoided for at least a few days after the application.

Also, skin care is very important after the application. It is recommended not to use cosmetic products or makeup that come into contact with the under-eye area for at least 24 hours. Also, sun exposure should be avoided and sunscreen should be used. If any pain, redness or abnormal symptoms are noticed after the application, our specialist should be consulted immediately.

In order to maximize the effects of under-eye filler application, the instructions of our doctor should be followed exactly and regular follow-up checks should be continued. This will help to prevent unwanted results and achieve the best results.