About Treatment

Breast Reduction in Turkey

It is explained as the removal of sagging skin and painful parts of the person’s own will and giving them a more aesthetic shape.

It is the removal of the undesirable parts of the breast as it is and making it look pleasant according to the person. The delusion that breast reduction, which is one of the most performed surgeries in our country, is only for women is wrong. Male individuals also have quite a lot of operations.

It is a viable surgery for adults and individuals who have reached full adulthood in the breast area. In order for the surgery to be performed, there should be no risky conditions such as a mass in the breast area. Having large breast areas can be a problem for some women or men. It is healthy and safe surgeries that eliminate this problem. Breast reduction is also applied for male individuals if the male individual has the breast tissue that women have and if a faster growth is observed than normal, the problem is eliminated. Since it is a surgical operation, it is an operation that leaves some scars in the breast area.

After the surgery, the scars may be more prominent in the first time and the clarity decreases over time. After 1 year from the operation, the scars become very faint and in harmony with your skin. For some people, they may become too faint to be noticed with the naked eye. The primary goal for the operation performed during the operation is to move the sagging nipple area upwards. In some operations, the nipple area can be reduced optionally.

Average Length of Stay:

7 Days


1 Day

Duration of Operation:

2 – 4 Hour

Anesthesia Type:

General Anesthesia

Healing Process:

1-2 weeks

What are the Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery?

There are some risks in all surgical operations. Breast reduction surgery is a type of operation that also carries risks. Although it is very unlikely, bleeding may occur in the patient after the surgery is over. There may be a risk of infection due to bleeding.

When the operation is performed with an incision made in the nipple area, some negativities can be observed in the structure of the senses here. Although the specialist performing the surgery is very careful while making and closing the incision, there is a risk that the milk ducts may be damaged. Because of this risk, there may be a potential decrease in lactation later on.

Many different risky situations may occur after operations that are not performed by a specialist doctor and a competent hospital. Breast reduction surgery is an operation that must be performed in a fully equipped hospital and by specialists. Precautions are taken against the risks that may occur, but it should be taken into account that undesirable situations may occur.

Since people with diabetes are more likely to experience complications such as bleeding or infection, you need to make sure that your sugar is in balance before the operation. The risks that may occur for individuals who smoke are also higher than for other patients. If possible, quitting smoking before the surgery helps to have a much healthier operation.

Apart from the risks such as bleeding or infection, there is no situation that may cause very high negativity and the surgeries are successful.

What Should Be Considered After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Since breast reduction is a surgical operation, patients rest at home for a period of 7 days after the operation. Antibiotic medication is given because the incision is made and there is a risk of infection. Painkillers and antibiotics should be used regularly.

Medicines should be taken in doses determined by the doctor. The product that provides the greatest advantage against the pain that may occur in the breast area is sports bras. Since they have a structure that prevents shaking, they do not exert pressure and help shape the breast by reducing pain.

After the surgery, you will be called for dressing on the days determined by the doctor. The dressing is a precaution against infection and also accelerates the healing process. Patients should not carry heavy loads for 1 month after breast reduction surgery. Movements such as pushing or pulling are movements that should be avoided in the first month.

After 1 month, the person can start to exercise lightly without tiring himself too much. Heavy lifting should not be done and movements that will force the breast area should not be made. Since edema will occur after the surgery, an image that disturbs you may occur. This edematous appearance decreases after a period of 4 weeks.

It takes about 1 year for the breast area to return to its original state and look natural. The healing process can be accelerated by quitting smoking or alcohol use. You will experience a healthy recovery period in the time determined by the specialist doctor.

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

Breast reduction surgery is an operation performed for both women and men. There are many factors that can cause the breast area to grow excessively for male individuals. Drug use, dietary habits, various diseases can be shown among these reasons.

During the operation, the extra fat tissue in the patient’s breast area is removed. To undergo this surgery, the person must be over 20 years old. General anesthesia is applied to the person at the beginning of the operation. Inverted T method or incision method called lollipop can be used.

The duration of the operation takes a maximum of 4 hours, depending on the size of the breast area of the person. The method to be followed during breast reduction surgery depends on the type of breast structure of the person. Factors such as the size of the breast area, where the nipple area is, its texture, and the distance of the nipple area to the shoulders and hips enable the doctor to determine the method.

The operation, which is performed by cutting the lollipop, is made by opening a circular incision in the nipple area and removing excess fat tissue from there. Depending on the situation, the nipple area can also be lifted up. In the incision method, which we call the inverted T, the incision is made in the lower part of the breast area. Then the excess adipose tissue is removed from here. After the surgery, the cut areas are closed and the procedures are ended. The patient stays in the hospital for 1 day.

Why is Breast Reduction Done?

In large breasts, the patient has aesthetic and health problems. Back and neck pain, deterioration in body position, humpback and movement limitations occur. In addition to these health problems, breasts sag due to weight and sweating and skin disorders occur under the breasts. Aesthetically, the patient looks overweight and does not like his own body. In addition to the lifting procedures, a reduction in breast size is performed. A part of the breast is removed and the breast is brought to the desired dimensions.

How Long Does Breast Reduction Surgery Take?

Breast reduction surgeries take between 2-4 hours depending on breast size and sagging. In fact, the duration of the operation is wondered by many patients, but it is an issue that is not very important. Our goal here is the result, not the duration. As much care and time is required for a good result, it should be used to the fullest.

Who Is Breast Reduction Applications Suitable For?

Breasts that show excessive growth after puberty also bring sagging. Aesthetic appearance deteriorates, neck, back and shoulder pains occur. It causes deterioration of posture, sweating under the breasts and fungal infections. The patient cannot be comfortable in any clothing and has problems in social-personal relationships. Breast reduction surgeries are applied to women with disproportionately large breasts. Women with breasts that are larger than normal due to hormonal or genetic reasons; excessive sweating problem, diaper rash problem and problems in choosing clothes. At the same time, he has psychological problems in society. For this reason, breast reduction surgery is performed by removing excess tissues from the breast area far from the milk ducts.

Is There Any Scar After Breast Reduction Surgery?

After each operation, scars remain at the incision sites. These scars vary from person to person. Different incisions are made according to the method applied and some traces remain according to them. We can perform breast reduction surgeries with many different incisions. An appropriate surgery can be performed according to the breast size and the method that the surgeon thinks will achieve the best result. The scars left by these incisions may differ according to the wound healing style of the person and the stitching technique. If we look at where these incisions are made in general; nipple, vertical, sub-breast horizontal and other incisions. Considering that the scars will fade after a while and become unclear in about 1.5 years, the beautiful breast shape will be prioritized rather than the scars. Excess breast tissue is removed and the breast is reshaped. An operation is planned in proportion to the body dimensions and in line with the patient’s request.

What are the Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery?

As in any surgery, there are some risks in these surgeries, which can lead to breast asymmetries, blood accumulation, infection and nipple loss. The important thing is that these risks are not too high and not experienced too much. The important thing is that when these risks occur, the surgeon can overcome them. As a result, all kinds of risks can be turned into a positive one in order to obtain the best breast form. In addition to these, it is also important to take all necessary precautions to avoid these risks.

Does the Breast Grow Again After Breast Reduction Surgery?

The breast basically consists of breast tissue and adipose tissue. Normally, the breast does not grow back after reduction surgery. However, the remaining fat tissue increase can be seen to some extent in excessive weight gain. This is definitely not an amount of growth that will come close to the old one. It is just a growth in the form of an increase in fullness.