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Liposuction in Turkey

Although it is not a permanent and definitive solution to regional body fatness that occurs due to wrong eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, the “fat removal” process, known among the people, is a kind of body shaping operation. Liposuction is in no case a weight loss formula applied like diet or weight loss prescriptions. However, it is a surgical intervention aimed at shaping the body in areas such as the hips, hips, neck, legs, knees, jowls, and abdomen that develop stubborn lubrication of the body. The time to return to normal life after the operation is short. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. Liposuction applications are a type of operation that increases self-confidence with its aesthetic side for fatty areas that cannot be removed after all diet, sports and weight loss efforts. Thanks to the liposuction method, which is effective in eliminating the inequalities between the lower body and the upper body, fat can be removed both from the upper part of the body and from the places deemed necessary in the lower region. Weight inequalities, which affect the way of dressing and affect the mental health of the person, can be easily eliminated by liposuction. Liposuction types applied with different techniques are among the most preferred aesthetic surgery operations in our country and in the world.

Average Length of Stay:

7 Days


1 Day

Duration of Operation:

2 – 4 Hour

Anesthesia Type:

General Anesthesia

Healing Process:

1-2 weeks

Healing Process After Liposuction

The patients are followed up in the hospital for one night after the operation and are discharged the next day. Bandages, which are applied immediately after the operation, should be used for 4 weeks or longer, depending on the feature of the body area from which fat is removed. In order to avoid edema and bruising, the recommendations given by the doctor must be strictly followed. The patient can usually return to work and social life within a few days. For activities that require intense performance such as exercise, it is important that the edema formation has been alleviated and that the recovery has been achieved to a large extent. During the healing process, it is of great importance to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, and stay away from products such as alcohol and cigarettes. These measures contribute to a shorter healing process and a more painless process. Antibiotics and painkillers can be used with the advice of a doctor to speed up the post-operative recovery process and minimize the risk of infection. A balanced diet such as more vegetables, fibrous foods and low-fat proteins should be adopted in order for the result of the operation to be permanent and the application area not to be lubricated again. Although most of the fat cells in the area where liposuction is applied have been removed by vacuum, this does not mean that lubrication will not occur in the same place. However, in some cases, absorbing more oil than necessary can cause some collapse in that area. When all these issues that need attention are approached sensitively and the applications are performed by experienced and expert doctors, the liposuction process gives extremely successful results. Liposuction application, as a body shaping method that gives fast results, creates important privileges in the lives of women and men, especially in business life. The short recovery period, easy return to social life after the operation, are the most striking features of the liposuction method.

For Which Areas Liposuction Can Be Applied?

The fact that male and female body structures are different from each other causes the types of lubrication to be concentrated in different regions. For example, while women often prefer to apply it for stubborn fat areas such as the hips, belly and hips, men mostly strive to remove the fat in areas such as the back, abdomen, breasts and sides of the waist. Advances in technology in medicine and aesthetics allow the application to be made in more and more areas. Underarm lubrication, which women call the “salt area”, is among the areas where liposuction applications are successfully performed. The under-chin area, which is easily exposed to lubrication during weight gain, is one of the most stubborn places of lubrication that cannot be removed with diet and sports. Since liposuction is an aesthetic application, it allows the application to be performed without leaving any traces under the chin, which is always in sight. Among the body areas where Laser lipolysis technique, which is a kind of liposuction application, is used, there are armpit glands that sweat constantly. Laser lipolysis application to the underarm area, which greatly facilitates the life of people, prevents sweating in this area and provides a comfortable living experience to the person.

Do I need to lose weight before liposuction?

Liposuction is not a weight loss method, but a correction of body contours. Losing weight before liposuction is important in some ways. Overweight patients are often referred to dietitians. Exercise is recommended. In the examination performed after weight loss, it may be determined that some areas cannot lose weight. Particularly noticeable localized fat in the hip and underbelly areas may remain. As a result of removing these swellings with liposuction, the body gets a more aesthetic appearance.

Can liposuction be repeated?

Irregular excesses may occur in body lines when weight is gained after liposuction surgery. In this case, a diet is recommended. If there is no improvement with diet, liposuction may be required again. Therefore, weight control is important after surgery. Liposuction can be performed again in patients who have had inadequate liposuction elsewhere. It is only recommended after at least 6 months have passed. In some cases where skin tightening is required, laser lipolysis method is used in the second surgery.

What should I pay attention to after liposuction?

If it was done with local anesthesia after liposuction surgery, walking one hour after the surgery is recommended as a precaution against the risk of embolism. It is important to use a regular corset in the first weeks. I’ll be paying for a while. The diet should be continued and carbohydrates and sweet foods should be avoided. It is used if your doctor has given you antibiotic treatment. The recovery period varies in relation to the width of the area of liposuction.

Is it possible to get pregnant after liposuction?

There is no problem in getting pregnant after liposuction surgery. Liposuction is not harmful to pregnancy. If it is meant to say whether being pregnant disrupts the tummy tuck, the answer can be as follows. If weight is gained with pregnancy, it is seen that fat is not collected as much as before in areas where fat was removed before. But belly fat doesn’t just increase during pregnancy. Expansion occurs in the abdominal skin and muscle layer. There may be plenty of loosening and sagging after birth. This is especially true in multiple pregnancies.

To whom is liposuction suitable for?

Liposuction is more suitable for those whose skin is tense and elastic. It is not preferred for those whose skin is wrinkled and sagging. Because if there is already plenty of skin on the skin, when the fat is removed, the skin may become more wrinkled or sagging. Since liposuction is not a weight loss method, better results are obtained in those with localized fat accumulations. For example, it is more reasonable to have it located in the abdomen, hips or neck region and negatively affect body aesthetics.

Is Liposuction Effect Immediate?

In the Liposuction application, which is also known as the fat removal operation among the people, the result will be noticed immediately if the fat is removed from the waist, abdomen and hip regions. However, the immediately noticed result should not be considered complete. After 6 months after the application, the visible result will be almost complete. Especially in the case of lubrication in the upper arm and lower leg area in the thigh, the result will be noticed immediately in Liposuction applications. However, it should not be forgotten that the swelling expected to occur after the application will complicate the evaluation. As we mentioned for these regions, it is important to make an evaluation after 6 months in order to obtain healthier results.

Age Range for Liposuction Application

For liposuction application, 18 years of age can be accepted as the lower limit for both men and women. It is important that development and growth are completed at these ages, and that the gender characters become evident in these periods. How the liposuction application affects body development during adolescence is one of the issues that people wonder. Although personal preferences are important in this regard, the preferred time to perform the application should be after adolescence due to the necessity of waiting for the development to settle in a certain form. The fact that the psychological cycles of the person are high during adolescence is also among the requirements of choosing the post-adolescent period for application.

Healing Process After Liposuction Application

Liposuction applications will not affect people’s daily life much. When the person rests for 1 day after the operation, he will feel safe in the corset. The use of a corset after the operation is important, and the 1 month period of continuous use of the corset can be considered as a recovery period. According to experts, after the process we mentioned, lymphatic massage will be beneficial, especially for the leg area. Lymphatic massage performed on the legs will be very useful both for the removal of edema and for cellulite. The person will usually resume his normal life after 1 month.

How Much Fat Is Taken in Liposuction Application?

The amount of fat to be removed by choosing liposuction will vary depending on the person’s health status and age. It is healthy to take fat for shaping purposes. However, apart from that, removing some fat from the fattening areas of people who are depressed despite starting to lose weight will allow them to be encouraged even more. Encouraging the person will make them more loyal to their diet. By giving priority to the criteria we have mentioned in the fat removal process, up to 4 liters of fat can be taken from the hips, 3 liters from the waist and 2-3 liters from the abdomen. While taking fat from the body, the fluid that the person is losing should be given through the vein. The patient can go home the same day after the fluid is lost while the fat is removed from the small area. However, in cases where more fat is taken, the patient will need to stay in the hospital for one night and the lost fluid will need to be supported by taking both orally and intravenously.