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Hair Transplantation in Turkey

Hair transplantation is the process of applying the grafts taken from the area with strong hair roots to the area with sparse or no hair. Hair loss is one of the main problems affecting millions of women and men around the world. Hair transplantation, mostly, provides people with genetic hair loss and baldness problems to regain their hair.

Average Length of Stay:

0 Days


0 Day

Duration of Operation:

1 – 2 Hour

Anesthesia Type:

Local Anesthesia

Healing Process:

1-2 Weeks

Why Does Hair Loss Happen?

Adults with a healthy scalp have about 100,000 hairs. Losing about 100-150 strands of hair a day is considered normal, and new hairs usually grow in place of the lost hair.

Baldness is experienced due to the thinning of the hair follicles and the lack of replacement of the shed hair. Hair loss in men and women is usually based on genetic factors.

However, hormonal problems, excessive stress, unbalanced diet also cause hair loss.

Genetic predisposition, hormone and nutritional factors, systemic diseases, exposure to chemical substances, hair growth disorder, stress are the main causes. Skin diseases and drug side effects can also cause baldness in both men and women.

While the hair is growing, it goes through 3 phases and falls out with the last phase:

Anagen Phase: This period, called the growth phase, lasts 3 – 6 years. 85% of hair is usually in the anagen phase.
Catagen Phase: This period in which the hair regresses lasts for a very short time. For 2-3 weeks, 1% of the hair is in the transition phase.
Telogen Phase: This period in which the hair is shed may continue for 2-3 months. Usually 14% are affected.
In people with intense hair loss, the telejon phase can last quite a long time, or much more of the hair is affected by this phase.

What are the Factors Forming Hair Structure?

Due to the influence of modern life, hair has become more important for both women and men. However, today, high air pollution, metropolitan stress, etc. External factors also accelerate hair loss. For this reason, a care routine can be established to protect existing hair, otherwise hair loss will increase.

Each strand contains 80% protein for healthy growth and strong volume. It contains 10% water, 6% oil and 3% color pigments for moisture and elasticity. However, hair can be evaluated in three sub-concepts. There is a narrow tube called the medulla in the inner part of the hair, but this does not happen in all hair types. The cortex in the middle layer determines the color and hardness of the hair, while the outermost cuticle acts as a protective one. The cuticle consists of keratinized squamous cells.

Hair types are also the main causes of hair loss. There are 3 different hair types:

Vellus Hairs: In the period from infancy to adolescence, other hairs other than eyebrows, hair and eyelashes are of this type. It is soft, delicate and thin.
Terminal Hairs: These are the hard and thick hairs that come out with the puberty period. Underarm, beard, groin, etc. The hairs in these places are called terminal hairs.
Intermediate Hairs: Intermediate hairs that do not have medulla have the characteristics of terminal and vellus hair types. Especially the condition that causes and accelerates hair loss is the abundance of intermediate hairs. Genetic factor, hormonal cause, drug use, etc. factors can increase the presence of intermediate hairs.
Who is suitable for hair transplantation?
Generally, age and gender are not limiting factors for hair transplant techniques. Hair transplantation in men and women’s hair transplantation procedures have almost the same procedures.

Hair transplantation can be applied successfully to individuals from the age of 20 to the age of 70 and above. Hair transplantation techniques can be applied successfully for people who experience baldness or want to increase their hair density.

The ideal candidate for hair transplantation has healthy hair follicles on the side and back of the head. These areas are the areas where the hair follicles to be transplanted are taken. Our experts inform you about hair transplantation techniques during the consultation.

Those who experience hair loss as a result of scarring, scalp injury, cosmetic surgery procedures are suitable candidates. This is true for people who have had a hair transplant procedure before.

Successful and healthy hair transplantation depends on having enough hair on the sides and back of the head. If there is not enough hair at these points, hair follicles can be taken from the beard and chest areas. Thanks to the hair follicles taken from these points, a successful operation can be performed with a sufficient number of grafts. Today, with the advancement of medical technology and hair transplantation operations performed in company with professional physician staff, a high degree of adhesion is achieved.

How is hair tranplantation applied?

Before the procedure, the stages of consultation, blood analysis, determination of the natural hairline, determination of the areas to be harvested and planted are applied. At the same time, the patient should quit smoking, coffee, alcohol and blood thinners within the period determined by the doctor, starting before the operation. Hair transplant treatment takes about 6 hours.

Hair transplantation process consists of 4 basic stages:

Determination of the Hairline and the Number of Grafts to be Planted:

During the consultation, the hair transplant specialist examines the area affected by hair loss and the hair structure in the donor area in detail. The person is informed about the operation technique and the number of grafts that can be taken.

For natural hair transplantation, it is important to determine the hairline according to the person. At this stage, the specialist evaluates the donor area capacity of the person and the desired hairline and creates the operation plan. The method of operation and the shape of the hairline are obtained with the consent of the patient, and a hair transplant plan is created.

Preparation for Operation:

Before the hair transplant operation, the area to be harvested (donor area) and the hair in the area to be transplanted are shaved and prepared for the procedure.

Hair Transplant Operation
Anesthesia Application

Before hair transplantation, local anesthesia is applied to the area to be taken with the help of a needle or a needle-free pressurized apparatus. People do not feel any pain during the operation.

For guests who do not want the feeling of local anesthesia, light sedation may be preferred. With this light sedation, where the person is conscious and able to speak, it is ensured that the person does not remember the painful process.

Collection of Hair Roots to be Transplanted from the Donor Area

Hair on the back and sides of the scalp in men and women is programmed to grow throughout life. Grafts taken from these donor areas are transplanted to bald areas. After the hair transplant, the transplanted hair starts to grow normally.

Removing hair follicles is a stage that requires attention and expertise. Hair follicles extracted from the donor area in a healthy way are separated into single, double and triple hair follicles. Hair follicles prepared for the transplantation phase are kept in a special sterile solution.

Transplantation of hair follicles

In order to plant the hair follicles in the determined areas, small incisions are made in which each hair follicle will be placed in the first stage. These incisions are made with Sapphire tipped equipment in West Estetik and the recovery time is shortened.

After the grooving phase, which takes into account the natural growth direction of the hair, the hair follicles are placed in the opened channels one by one.

In the DHI method, the grooving and sowing stages are carried out simultaneously and with a special pen apparatus (choi pen).

Dressing and Washing After Hair Transplantation

Hair transplant operation takes an average of 6-8 hours. At the end of the operation, a bandage is applied to the donor area. Instructions to be taken into account are conveyed to the patient and the drugs to be used are given. The dressing applied is removed on the 2nd day after the operation and the first washing is performed by the hair transplant staff in the clinic.

Which is the best hair transplant method?

The methods used in hair transplantation methods have developed day by day. There are 3 main types of hair transplantation that have become popular among hair transplantation methods.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT),

Since FUT is an old technology, it is no longer preferred. In this method, the hair is taken and transplanted as strips, not as grafts. It is a surgical method and the risk of bleeding is quite high. However, success rates are lower. One of the most important disadvantages is that there is a horizontal line in the planting area.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is the most preferred hair transplant method. It is generally preferred in plantings for large areas. It is applied as Smooth FUE, Sapphire FUE and Soft FUE in West Estetic. First of all, the need in the balding area is determined, the natural hairline is created and the number of grafts is decided.

Approximately 6000 grafts can be collected from the donor area in one session, the procedure is usually performed in a single session, but a second session may be required depending on the bald area. If it is carried out by a professional team, there will be no traces and infection, bleeding, etc. The risks are quite low.

FUE hair transplantation can be applied for men and women. With the right hair transplant treatment, it is possible to have natural, healthy and permanent hair for life.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

DHI is one of the most preferred methods for hair transplantation to be done between hair or in a narrow area. The grafts are pushed into the scalp thanks to the pen called the Implanter Pen, which has a hollow and spring mechanism. This method may not be suitable for every patient. Therefore, a decision should be made based on hair analysis and the patient’s treatment history.

Hair Transplantation in Men

More hair loss, sparseness and baldness are seen in men due to genetic factors, age, stress, foreign substance use and environmental factors. Hair loss can become a big problem for men of all ages, but it causes loss of self-confidence, especially for men between the ages of 20 and 55.

If the hair loss is not intense yet, the problem can be solved or postponed with medical methods. However, in cases of heavy shedding and baldness, hair transplantation is the surest and natural solution. Waiting for the hair to fall out completely is one of the biggest mistakes. In this case, more grafts need to be transplanted and success rates may decrease depending on age.

In male hair transplantation, FUE or DHI method is preferred by evaluating the opening area. Up to 5000 grafts can be transplanted in one session. In both methods, the process is comfortable, recovery is fast and there is no scar.

Hair Transplantation in Women

Although hair loss is more intense in men, women are more likely to seek solutions for hair loss and baldness in a short time. Hair is the most natural and most striking accessory of women. Therefore, women are more affected by hair loss and baldness. The main causes of hair loss in women are genetics, intense use of heat (wavering the hair with heat, straightening, etc.), hormonal reasons, drug use and pregnancy period.

Hair transplantation in women can be done with different methods. Especially unshaven hair transplantation is a better option for women. This process takes about 6 hours and is usually performed as a single session. In this procedure, the grafts taken from the nape area are transplanted into the open area. For example, shedding on the forehead is quite high in women. Grafts taken from the nape area are used to narrow the forehead area or to plant in other open areas. 3 days after the procedure, the hair is washed and at the end of 10 days, crusting, redness, etc. situations disappear.

What are the Advantages of Hair Transplantation?

Everyone experiences hair loss at certain periods. However, in some people, this situation lasts for many years and the process that starts with sparseness ends with baldness. Although there are some hair treatments that delay the hair loss process and protect existing hair, the most accurate, permanent and natural solution is hair transplant treatment. Hair transplant treatment is the only method that provides lifelong permanent and natural hair growth for both men and women.

There are many advantages with hair transplantation:

It is the most effective solution for hair loss spreading over large areas,
Having natural hair increases people’s self-confidence,
Hair continues to grow in its natural development phase and does not fall out again,
It provides more success compared to treatments applied for hair loss,
Anyone over the age of 18 can have a hair transplant,
Permanent and natural hair grows in about 1 year.
What are the Disadvantages of Hair Transplantation?
Like every procedure, hair transplantation also has some disadvantages and risks.

There are two main risks that can be taken if Hair Transplantation is not performed by experts.

The first of these is the removal of more hair follicles than necessary in the donor area as a result of incorrect operation planning, and as a result, the formation of cavities on the nape of the hair. Another risk is the unnatural appearance of the hair as a result of incorrect planning of the planting angle and planting density. The most important way to avoid both basic risks is the selection of the right clinic and physician staff.

West Esthetic has high success rates in hair transplantation operations with its Ministry of Health approved center and expert physician staff.

The most important disadvantage of hair transplantation is its cost. However, people who want to have natural hair can afford this cost. At the same time, hair growth spans a period of 6-12 months. During this process, it is ensured that the patients with hair transplantation are followed up by our specialists and that the process is passed in the healthiest way by staying in touch.