Known more as a cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty is actually of great importance in overcoming many health problems. And breathing related ones come at the top of these. Caused by many different reasons, breathing problems can reduce the quality of life of those who experience these. Patients may experience lack of oxygen, shortness of breath, sleep apnea and think that this is their fate.
But actually it is not true…
Rhinoplasty can find a solution to all of your breathing problems.
The thing that will save you may be just one surgery away…
As West Aesthetics, one of the clinics specialised in rhinoplasty in Turkey, we will explain why breathing problems occur in this section. Then we discuss how rhinoplasty for breathing can benefit you and the role of rhinoplasty in solving breathing issues.
Reasons For Breathing Difficulties
There can be many different reasons for difficulty breathing. These reasons may vary depending on physical, genetic and external factors. In this subsection we will examine in detail the possible causes of breathing problems.
Deviated Septum
The nasal septum is the structure that divides the nasal cavity into two passages. When there is a distortion or displacement in this structure that separates the two nasal passages from each other, a devaiated septum develops. This leads to nasal obstruction in one of the passages and the patient has difficulty breathing.
Bone and Cartilage Abnormalities
Nasal bones and cartilages are the structures that support and shape the nose. Problems such as deviation and overgrowth of the nasal bones and cartilages can be encountered. These problems may result in narrowing of one or both of the nasal passages, which may block air flow to the nose and the patient may experience trouble breathing.
Enlarged Turbinates
Turbinates are structures on the side walls of the nasal passages. They play an important role in providing air flow to the nose. They also contribute to moisturizing, heating and filtering the air we breathe in.
Enlarged turbinates can be caused by allergies or other causes. Allergenic substances such as animal hair, smoke and pollen can cause infection and swelling of the nasal mucosa. This swelling causes the turbinates to enlarge. Strong odors, dust and changes in the weather can also result in enlarged turbinates.
Valve Collapse
The nasal valve is the narrowest part of the nasal airway and is located inside the nostrils. It is made up of structures such as the nasal septum and the nasal floor. Nasal valves can collapse during breathing, which can make it difficult to breathe through your nose.
Rhinoplasty For Breathing Problems
It is a fact that rhinoplasty is primarily concerned with improving the aesthetic appearance of the nose. However, operations carried out in combination with different functional rhinoplasty techniques can improve your health as well as aesthetics. In this section, we will talk about how rhinoplasty for breathing can eliminate one by one the reasons that make it difficult for you to breathe.
Nasal Obstruction Correction
Before correcting nasal obstructions with rhinoplasty, your doctor must perform an examination. This may be a physical examination or may include nasal endoscopy and functional testing. Using the aforementioned tools, your doctor should first and foremost try to find out what is causing the nasal obstruction and for this purpose take a close look at the nasal septum, turbinates and similar structures.
Following the examination, the doctor decides what is causing the nasal obstruction. As we mentioned before, nasal obstruction can be caused by deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, valve collapse and excessive bone growth.
After finding out what is causing the obstruction, your doctor should draw up a surgery plan in line with the findings. This surgical plan will determine how to proceed with the rhinoplasty procedure.
For example, if the problem is a deviated septum, septoplasty is used to restore the airflow back to normal by straightening or repositioning the septum in the process of correcting the deviated septum. In other words, since rhinoplasty alone may be insufficient in the process of nose job for deviated septum, different techniques can be used.
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure to treat a deviated septum. Its main aim is to end the breathing difficulties experienced by the patient by straightening or repositioning the septum.
Before the start of the operational process for septoplasty, the specialist performs a preliminary examination to calculate the rate of deviation.
The operation can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia according to the patient’s request and the specialist’s recommendation. In order to avoid scars visible from the outside, the doctor makes incisions inside the nose to reach the septum. Using surgical instruments, the doctor straightens, repositions or completely removes the deviated part of the septum. During this process, techniques such as septal cartilage reshaping or submucosal resection may be used. Cartilages from other parts of the body can sometimes be used to support or reconstruct the septum.
Functionality is of course prioritised in the nose job for deviated septum process as the subject is health. However, the doctor should establish a balance between aesthetics and health by progressing the rhinoplasty process in parallel. The doctor should consider the possible aesthetic results in every procedure and draw a road map within the framework of possible complications that may occur.
Turbinate Reduction
Turbinate reduction operation reduces the enlarged turbinates on the side walls of the nasal passages. This operation aims to help the patient breathe better and overcome breathing-related problems.
The doctor performs a preliminary examination before the turbinate reduction procedure to understand the shape and size of the turbinates. According to the results of the preliminary examination, different turbinate reduction techniques can be used in the operation. The doctor should always prioritise not to damage the functions of the nasal mucosa structure while reducing the turbinates during the operation.
As in the sepotoplasty process, another point to be considered in the turbinate reduction operation is to establish a balance between health and aesthetics. If the enlarged turbinates cause an aesthetic problem, the procedure is performed in parallel with rhinoplasty.
Valve Reconstruction
Nasal valve reconstruction aims to find solutions to problems such as nasal valve collapse or weakness that may make nasal breathing difficult. To this end, the valve is supported to prevent collapse during breathing, allowing the patient to breathe better and overcome the difficulties associated with breathing.
Before proceeding to the operational stage, a preliminary examination of the structure of the nasal valve is performed by the plastic surgeon. Different techniques can be used according to the findings obtained as a result of the examination. For example, spreader grafts can be used to prevent the inner nasal valve from collapsing during breathing, while alar batten grafts can be used to prevent the outer valve from collapsing.
During the rhinoplasty for breathing procedure, the specialist must ensure that the functions of the valves are not impaired during the reconstruction of the valves. Health is a whole and correcting one part in such a way that another part loses its function may lead to undesirable results.
Patient Specific Approach
It is very important to have a patient specific approach while trying to find a solution to the patient’s breathing difficulties through rhinoplasty. Therefore, each operation should begin with an examination of the patient’s general nasal structure and aesthetics. This will enable the specialist plastic surgeon to draw a road map for the methods and treatments to be applied for rhinoplasty for breathing problems.
During the examination, the specialist should pay great attention to all kinds of complaints of the patient. Anything the patient says may give the doctor a clue about applying a different method. Therefore, it is of great importance that the doctor and the patient can communicate clearly during the rhinoplasty for breathing problems.
The doctor should give equal importance to aesthetic concerns and functionality in the planning process. And he should use steps and methods to balance both. In this way, patient satisfaction is achieved and a satisfactory result is obtained.
After the planning stage, the specialist should explain the whole process to the patient in detail. Why the method is used and what kind of risks there are should be mentioned with all clarity. This will help the patient to make informed decisions about the rhinoplasty operation.
The patient specific approach should continue during the post-operative care process. The specialist should always be available to the patient during the rhinoplasty for breathing problems process and advice should be sought in case of any complications.
Patients should not take precautions of their own accord in situations that may differ depending on gender. Any measures to be taken should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If you want to have rhinoplasty for breathing problems, it is very important to have an open dialogue with your doctor.. Every action you will take regarding post-operative care should be shared with the specialist.