
Exercise After Rhinoplasty Surgery


The process after plastic surgery can frighten people who do regular physical activity. Especially when the operation is as complex as rhinoplasty. This is quite normal.

Everyone knows that you should avoid exercise for a certain period after the operation. But no one knows exactly how long this certain period corresponds to. Doctors say you should listen to your body.

But how?

What does it mean to “listen to your body”?

Isn’t there a timeline for the post op process?

What does nose surgery have to do with exercise?

As West Aesthetics, a clinic specialized in rhinoplasty in Turkey, we tell you everything you need to know about the exercise process after rhinoplasty.


The question of why nose surgery prevents the patient from continuing to exercise comes up a lot. It is a very logical question when you think about it. What does an organ in the center of our face have to do with our legs or arms? In this section we will try to answer this question.

Exercising after rhinoplasty may cause you not to get the desired result from the surgical procedure. Many reasons exist for this. Let us now list these reasons.



Physical activities accelerates blood flow and blood pressure to maintain the body’s oxygen balance. This acceleration can increase swelling.

Swelling and bruising are natural part of the body’s healing process. But they can also significantly affect the outcome of the operation. Long-term swelling and bruising that does not go away may prevent you from achieving the result you want as a result of aesthetic surgery.


Protection of nasal structures is of great importance during the recovery process after rhinoplasty. Since rhinoplasty involves excessive replacement or removal of nasal cartilage and bone, any impact that the nose may receive in the early stages of the recovery process may damage the postoperative process. Avoiding such impacts is very important to preserve the shape and symmetry of the newly operated nose.


Performing strenuous physical activity may cause dislocation of the tissues in the nasal region, which may lead to deformities in the final result of rhinoplasty. For this reason, it is very important to continue exercising as recommended by your specialist plastic surgeon in the post-op period.


It is best to first ask the specialist who will perform the operation when to resume exercise after rhinoplasty surgery. The timeline presented here is a general reference. It will lead to more accurate results if you consult your doctor about when you should start which sport in the post-rhinoplasty process.


It is best to avoid any kind of exercise and physical activity, especially during the first week of rhinoplasty surgery. This includes sports such as swimming and running, which can increase blood flow and blood pressure. It is also necessary to avoid sports such as weight lifting, which can increase blood flow to the facial area.


Light walking can be started as of the second week. Just like in the first week, sports such as running and swimming should be avoided in the second week. It is still possible for swelling to increase with the acceleration of blood flow. It is therefore useful to act with this awareness.

Light stretching movements can also be started during this period. In this way, general relaxation of the body can be achieved, provided that activities that will cause the face to stretch are avoided.


From the second week to the first month after rhinoplasty surgery, light physical activities such as cycling can be started. Walking distance can be gradually increased during this period.

Light sports such as yoga and pilates can also be practiced to provide relaxation and flexibility to your body. However, it is still useful to consult your plastic surgeon about this. You should also avoid forward stretching and other movements that may involve the face during yoga or pilates.


From this point on it is all about listening to your body. If you experience pain or soreness during any exercise or sport, this is one of the signs that you should stop the sport or exercise in question. In such a case, you should also consult your plastic surgeon without delay.

Pain that you do not dwell on too much in this process and consider insignificant can lead to much worse consequences in the following period after the rhinoplasty recovery process. It is important to remember that it is very important to give your body time to heal.

Generally speaking, it can be said that you can gradually switch from light physical activities to heavier activities by listening to your body after the first month of the rhinoplasty operation.


Exercise after rhinoplasty is an important part of the plastic surgery aftercare process. It is of great importance to have a proper plastic surgery aftercare process in order to make the most of the procedure. Not giving importance to the plastic surgery aftercare process and thinking that it will heal anyway may prevent you from achieving the aesthetic result you want.

The most important thing to ensure after any type of plastic surgery is to ensure a sterile environment where the rest period will be spent. Besides being sterile, it is also important that the place where the healing process will take place is comfortable. Also everything you need should be within your reach. Standing up constantly to get water and medication can tire you out and make the plastic surgery recovery process more difficult.


Giving your body time to heal is very important in the early stages of the recovery process. You need to listen to your body, avoid strenuous activities and rest as much as possible. Lying down with the head elevated is necessary to prevent swelling, especially in aesthetic operations related to the face.

Taking pain medication in cases of prolonged or uncomfortable pain will allow you to experience a more comfortable plastic surgery healing process. Ice compresses can be applied to the swelling that occurs in the aesthetic operation areas with the doctor’s advice.

It will also be in your best interest to avoid all kinds of physical activity and sports as mentioned before for a successful plastic surgery aftercare process.

Blood thinning drugs that may cause bleeding should be avoided as much as possible during the surgery aftercare process. Medications and antibiotics prescribed by the specialist should be taken regularly.

Following a balanced diet and regular water intake are also very important for you to have a good post-op process.


It is very important not to skimp on scar care after plastic surgery by regularly applying cream and massaging the scar as directed by your specialist.  Wounds should be cleaned with an unfragrant soap and water. Then they should be wiped dry with a cloth. During this process, the surgical area can also be massaged regularly.

It is also very important not to expose the wound area to harsh chemicals unless otherwise instructed by the plastic surgeon. You can cover the wound with makeup. However, it is useful to act in consultation with your surgeon.


UV light can cause hyperpigmentation by accelerating the production of melanin pigment responsible for skin color. This can cause the wounds to heal darker than the skin tone in cases of overexposure to the sun.

Besides, since the newly healed skin is more sensitive, it is more likely to be affected by sunburn. This may not only leave a poor aesthetic result but may also cause additional complications.

Ways to avoid the sun in order to have a good plastic surgery aftercare include wearing protective clothing, hats, sunblock and avoiding activities outside as much as possible.


Communicating openly with your plastic surgeon is the most important thing for a smooth recovery after plastic surgery. Informing the specialist about unexpected changes and complications that occur in your body will ensure that the necessary precautions are taken and a road map is drawn in line with these measures.

The specialist plastic surgeon should also be informed about the actions you take based on the information you have read on the internet or heard from someone else. This will help you to avoid something that you think will be beneficial for you, but which may cause you harm.


It is also necessary to stay in contact with the specialist plastic surgeon about the exercises you will do after rhinoplasty or any plastic surgery operation. The timelines and information given in this article are general. Health conditions may vary from person to person. Your specialist plastic surgeon, who has knowledge about your health history, will give you the most accurate information about what you should do in the next steps of plastic surgery.